Journal papers
Slobodan Beliga, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić, Mihaela Matešić, Irena Petrijevčanin Vuksanović, Ana Meštrović: “Infoveillance of the Croatian Online Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Year Longitudinal Study Using Natural Language Processing”, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, vol. 7, no. 12, pages e31540, Dec. 2021.
Karlo Babić, Milan Petrović, Slobodan Beliga, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić, Mihaela Matešić, Ana Meštrović: “Characterisation of COVID-19-Related Tweets in the Croatian Language: Framework Based on the Cro-CoV-cseBERT Model ”, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 21, p. 10442, Nov. 2021.
Book chapters
Beliga, Slobodan; Martinčić-Ipšić, Sanda; Matešić, Mihaela; Meštrović, Ana: “Natural language processing and statistic: The first six months of the COVID-19 infodemic in Croatia”, The Covid-19 Pandemic as a Challenge for Media and Communication Studies / Kopecka-Piech, Katarzyna ; Łódzki, Bartłomiej (ur.). Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2022. str. 78-92,
Slobodan Beliga, Ana Meštrović, Mihaela Matešić: “NLP based framework for the comparison of the media coverage in Croatia during the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic”. Odjeci SCIMETH-a (izazovi lingvističkih istraživanja) / Nigoević, Magdalena ; Vlastelić, Anastazija (ur.).
Split: Sveučilište u Splitu, Filozofski fakultet ; Sveučilište u Rijeci, Filozofski fakultet, Centar za jezična istraživanja ; Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, 2021. str. 169-190. FIGURES PAPER
Conference papers
Milan Petrović, Zoran Levnajić and Ana Meštrović: “Analysis of the COVID-19 Communication on Twitter via Multilayer Network” in Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing (ISAIC 2021), December 3rd-6th, 2021.
Karlo Babić, Milan Petrović, Slobodan Beliga, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić, Andrzej Jarynowski, Ana Meštrović: “COVID-19 related communication on Twitter: analysis of the Croatian and Polish attitudes” in Yang XS., Sherratt S., Dey N., Joshi A. (eds) Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2021, London, UK 25.-27.2.2021.). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 216. Springer, Singapore.
Karlo Babić, Milan Petrović, Slobodan Beliga, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić, Marko Pranjić, Ana Meštrović: “Prediction of COVID-19 related information spreading on Twitter”, in 44th Proceedings of the IEEE International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2021), Opatija, Croatia, (pp. 424-428) IEEE. – PREPRINT
Petar Kristijan Bogović, Slobodan Beliga, Ana Meštrović, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić: “Topic Modelling of Croatian News During COVID-19 Pandemic”, in 44th Proceedings of the IEEE International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2021), Opatija, Croatia, (pp. 1205-1212) IEEE. – PREPRINT
Anton Ilić, Slobodan Beliga: “The Polarity of Croatian Online News Related to COVID-19: a First Insight”, in Proceedings of 32nd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems – CECIIS 2021. Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin 13.-15.10.2021. (pp. 237-246) PPREPRINT
Maja Buhin Pandur, Jasminka Dobša, Slobodan Beliga, Ana Meštrović: “Topic modelling and sentiment analysis of COVID-19 related news on Croatian Internet portal”, in 24th international multiconference Information Society (IS2021), SiKDD 2021. Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 4.-8.10.2021. PAPER
“Exploring the COVID-19 infodemic in social media: a multilayer framework approach”, CALS online-conference “Linguistic and Extralinguistic in Interaction”, University of Split, 24th-26th September 2020. ABSTRACT
“Multilayer Framework for the Information Spreading Characterization in Social Media during the COVID-19 Crisis”, Conference COVID-19 Messages: On the Pandemic from Five Perspectives; I – Advancement in Virology Research – an Opportunity to Improve the International Impact of the University of Rijeka, University of Rijeka and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Department of Biomedical Sciences, 24th September 2020. ABSTRACT
“An introduction to the multilayer network for characterisation of information spreading related to the COVID-19 crisis”, COSTNET COVID Conference, Department of Statistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 10th July 2020. ABSTRACT
Ivan Severović, Analiza komentara na objave videa na platformi YouTube vezanim uz koronavirus, Analysis of YouTube video comments related to coronavirus, 23.12.2020.
Alesia Ivaninić, Analiza senimenta objava na Twitteru vezanih uz koronavirus, Sentiment analysis of Twitter posts related to coronavirus, 14.07.2021.
Arijan Jašarević, Detekcija širenja lažnih vijesti vezanih uz COVID-19, Detection of COVID-19 fake news spreading, 14.07.2021.
Luka Jeličić, Ontologija pojmova vezanih uz COVID-19, Ontology of terms related to COVID-19, 29.07.2021.
Anton Ilić, Analiza sentimenta novinskih članaka vezanih za tematiku koronavirusa, Sentiment Analysis of Coronavirus Related News Articles, 22.09.2021.