Basic information
The project is fully supported by the Croatian Science Foundation
Thematic HRZZ Call for Scientific Research Proposals: Infectious Diseases Caused by Corona Viruses and the Social and Educational Aspects of the Pandemic (Call identifier: IP-CORONA-2020-04)
Project id: IP-CORONA-04-2061
Principal investigator: Associate Professor Ana Meštrović, PhD
Project hosting institution: University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics
Project name: Multilayer Framework for the Information Spreading Characterization in Social Media during the COVID-19 Crisis
Project acronym: InfoCoV
Project keywords: Information Spreading, Social Media, Multilayer Networks, Social Networks Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning
Area of research: Social sciences
Research field: Information and communication sciences
Project website:
Project duration: 15.7.2020 – 14.1.2022
Members of the research team:
Assoc. Prof. Ana Meštrović, PhD
Prof. Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić, PhD
Slobodan Beliga, PhD
Karlo Babić, MSc
Milan Petrović, MSc
Assoc. prof. Mihaela Matešić, PhD
Prof. dr. sc. Zoran Levnajić, PhD
Marko Pranjić, MSC