Zoran Levnajić
Associate Professor
Zoran Levnajić
Associate Professor
Complex systems and data science lab, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto
Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute
Research fields and expertise: complex networks, networks dynamics, networks reconstruction
Zoran Levnajić is an expert in the field of complex networks. His research focuses on the understanding and characterisation of complex systems. Representing units as nodes and their interactions as links, he employs the framework of networks to develop computer simulations that capture their emergent properties. In recent decades, such an approach has provided profound insights into natural, social and technological complex systems, involving fields as diverse as physics, biology, sociology and engineering. He is pursuing more particular research directions that include: (i) the development of reconstruction methods able to infer the unknown structure of an examined network from the empirical data or experimental measurements. This is especially relevant for the neuroscience and inference of brain functional networks; (ii) understanding the interplay between network topology (connection patterns among the nodes) and its emergent behaviour: how is the connectivity reflected in the collective function? Is there a way to measure a network structure, so that it can be compared with other networks’ structures? and (iii) designing realistic computational models of natural and social phenomena that could provide a better understanding of their collective functioning or even open avenues for reliably predicting their behaviour, particularly in the context of neuroscience.